Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Create Self Signed Wildcard SSL Certificates for Apache

1. Explicit control panel and execute the below commands, replacing yourhostname.com with the host name

2. In order to create Wildcard SSL Certificate keep Common Name as *.yourhostname.com and left other fields as blank for default

At Apache 

Enable SSL in Apache and restart 

At Virtual Hosts

Then add the SSL settings into each VirtualHost in your Apache configuration files

In order to use https for sub domains, then add below options with the 443 into your existing files

Then reload Apache

 To test if it’s working open up https://www.yourhostname.com/ and check if the WildCard SSL Certificate works

Want to know about major SSL brands cheap WildCard SSL Certificates, visit:


Monday, December 10, 2012

How Wildcard SSL works with its different security key?

A Wildcard SSL, like any other SSL certificate security, provides SSL encryption for data transmitted between visitors on the website and the site itself. What makes a Wildcard SSL different from other SSL certificate security types is its ability to secure an unlimited number of sub-domains in addition to the primary domain URL.

Wildcard SSL certificates handle website security very differently than traditional SSL certificates. A traditional SSL certificate is assigned to a single host name. If sub-domains are added, a new SSL certificate must be purchased and it will be applied to a new domain name. A Wildcard SSL certificate allows users to protect multiple sub domain names as long as they are run on a single server, without purchasing additional SSL certificates security.

The ability of an SSL Certificate Wildcard to cover even an unlimited server license is based in the way it applies security keys. Wildcard SSLs assign a different security key to each sub-domain added to the SSL certificate. Wildcard SSL security is highly recommended for large organizations and e-commerce type websites, which include multiple sub-domains at the time of purchase, or which anticipate adding additional sub-domains while the SSL certificate is active.

The only drawback to Wildcard SSL certificates is their cost. They are significantly more expensive than traditional SSL certificates but are less complex to install and maintain, especially for a broad-based business. SSL certificate security is one of the most highly recommended steps on the web to users and their confidential date. An SSL certificate WildCard is a comprehensive security solution to increase the trust of users or customers and confirm that e-commerce experience is secure. WildCard SSLs not only increase users trust and confidence on the site but also display visual indicator signs of safety to improve online trust.

When trying to select an SSL certificate, it is important to consider how the SSL certificate security fits into the company's budget and how the SSL certificate is used within the organization. For large and growing businesses that operate online, Cheap Wildcard SSL certificates are the most reliable and flexible website security option.

With RapidSSLOnline.com, a global leader of the SSL industry and a Platinum Partner of Symantec, companies can buy Wildcard SSL certificates in bulk and save money through its Reseller Program. In addition, RapidSSLOnline.com offers unbeatable pricing and a Best Price Guarantee that applies to all SSL certificates advertised

Author Bio

Jim Armstrong and RapidSSLOnline.com help consumers understand how WildCard SSL works with its different security keys.They also provide customers with access to a full range of SSL products from brands including Symantec, Thawte, RapidSSL, and GeoTrust. For more information about True BusinessID Wildcard SSL, Symantec Wildcard SSL Thawte Wildcard SSLsecurity keys, and other SSL products, contact RapidSSLOnline.com at pr@rapidsslonline or call 727-388-4240.

Reasons to use SSL Security for Superior Protection

The internet is a community composed of billions of people throughout the world. Representatives from each country meet online to interact, buy, sell and trade. As with any community, there are members with good intentions and those with bad intentions. When engaging in transactions online, it is important for Internet users to protect themselves with SSL security to ensure their computers and personal information are protected.

Many people actually make a living preying on those who do not have sufficient SSL security protection. They steal identities, credit card numbers and personal information from random users and use it for their own benefit. SSL security tools work in different ways to ensure users’ protection when they use the Internet to conduct business or send personal information.

The most important reason to use SSL security is to keep private information safe. People send and receive all kinds of personal information on a daily basis. Without SSL security, someone could intercept this data and use it against its owner with malicious intent. Data encryption and password protection are the easiest ways to ensure only those one authorized to have access to one’s personal information can use it. Without these tools, each internet user could find themselves subject to snooping and intrusion by any person who has the time and desire to access their personal accounts and information. Infiltrating personal accounts online is easy when there is no protection in place, so it is important for one to avoid making oneself an easy target.

Buy SSL certificates security to be a vital business platform in the fight against online crime and identity theft. There is too much information sent through the Internet on a daily basis for all users to neglect protects themselves with some form of SSL security. SSL security programs keep users safe and give them peace of mind as they browse the internet. As they can give personal information to a bad actor inadvertently, they are a necessity in an ever-growing Internet world.

Author Bio

Jim Armstrong works closely with rapidSSLonline.com to help consumers find the best Cheapest SSL certificates at the best price from all the leading brands including RapidSSL, Symantec, VeriSign, Thawte, and GeoTrust SSL Certificate and Cheap Wildcard SSL.

Why Multi Domain SSL becomes the most cost effective SSL Certificate

Business success mandates a high level of online trust and security over enterprise data assets. This often requires frequent and expensive updates to the IT security infrastructure. It is a challenge for every CIO to provide the highest level of security in compliance with industry-wide security regulations while maintaining the cost of delivering service to the end consumer within manageable limits.

One of several best practices available to the IT Manager is to deploy multiple domains on shared hosting environments and adopt a single multi domain SSL certificate (EV Multi Domain SSL) to secure all the domains on the same server. Purchasing an individual SSL certificate for each domain and then having to manage each one of them separately is more cost prohibitive when compared with one SSL certificate to manage all domains.

Multi Domain SSL is the de facto standard for securing multiple domains in a shared server environment, with a typical MD SSL securing up to 100 domains on the same server. This provides millions of secure transactions everyday at a cost of little over $300 per year. Multi Domain SSL / SAN Certificate conforms to industry standard 128/256 bit encryption, is digitally signed from highly trusted roots for most available browsers. It is also business validated to conform to the highest level of security. Multi Domain SSL is available off the shelf and packaged with multi-year validity, and it is set up to support different domain sizes.

The Multi Domain SSL security solution is a boon to the small and medium scale business sector looking to secure its business transactions. In the process, it provides a level playing field with the larger competitors. With most MD SSL solutions coming with an added warranty for secure online transactions, the security risks typically associated with doing business online are mitigated.

A growing number of businesses are benefiting from securing their business with MD SSL solutions and have achieved better turn-around and wider customer acceptance.

Author Bio

Jim Armstrong works with rapidsslonline.com to help consumers with the top brands, such as RapidSSL, VeriSign (Now Symantec), Thawte SSL, GeoTrust SSL and Rapid SSL. RapidSSLonline.com offers major SSL brands SSL certificate security such as RapidSSL, GeoTrust, Thawte, and Symantec, EV SSL for as low as price compare to other SSL certificate provider on web.

Website with SSL Certificate, Why it’s important to web users?

SSL certificate is one of the leading buzz in web security industry today to protect website and web users. Website with SSL certificate always used to a secure connection while exchanging information between users and a web servers, and due to secure exchange producer that data can be secured.

SSL certificates are performed based on encrypted and decrypted algorithm to switch the information from web browsers to web servers. Exchanging information through SSL certificate security can execute multiple level of encryption such as 256 bit encryption and 128 bit encryption. In SSL industry, 256 bit encryption level is known as the advance level of security where 128 bit encryption level is known as standard level of encryption.

In SSL web security industry, many categorized SSL certificate options are available to create secure environment to protect users. Generally, choosing the right option in SSL certificates, it depends on the nature of website. If website contains large amounts of products or services, and sub domains then website is binding to buy EV Multi Domain SSL certificate security to protect their website and their users. EV SSL or Extended Validation SSL certificate is the highest level of SSL certificate security which is especially designed to protect wide level of organization or business on web. If website contains unlimited amount of sub domains, then one of the best SSL certificates protection is Wildcard SSL certificate which will secure unlimited sub domains using single server certificate.

SSL certificate security will create secure weather to web users while browsing website on web, but one of more crucial aspect rest in SSL certificate security. In this era of technology, Branding is one of the most important to protect or secure the future, if you think that why I am including this topic in web security, then its real time to say users that website is being secured with one of the widest trusted SSL certificate authority. Website with the most trusted SSL certificate authority can gain more trust and confidence then website with second level of Certificate Authority. As result of this website must have certificate security from the trusted one Certificate Authority (CA) which will be additional value to build secure user experience on web.

Employing SSL certificate on small, medium, and large position online business has many advantages. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate has wide contribution at Ecommerce organization as not only it works to protect data but it also delivers trust and confidence to an online shopper while buying any product or services across Ecommerce organization on a web. However, website with SSL certificate security can directly pass a message of secure online business experience with sensitive details such as Credit Card, Pay Pal, and Bank wire through their the toughest security of Extended Validation SSL or EV SSL certificate and Trust Seal on site. Web users or customers can process to their purchase without any fear of fraud, online cheat, or any hacking threat while making online shop with SSL certificate security from a web store or any web organization through sensitive details. SSL certificate is one of the green signals just like rail runway track with green signal to pass any railway station.

Author Bio

Jim Armstrong works with rapidsslonline.com to help consumers with the top brands, such as RapidSSL, VeriSign (Now Symantec), Thawte SSL, GeoTrust SSL and Rapid SSL. RapidSSLonline.com offers major SSL brands SSL certificate security such as RapidSSL, GeoTrust, Thawte, and Symantec, EV Multi Domain SSL for as low as price compare to other SSL certificate providers on web.

What is Symantec Vulnerability Assessment?

Symantec is antivirus computer software that helps reduce the threat of viruses and other security issues that can wreak havoc on computers. Vulnerabilities are defined as viruses that can allow hackers into a computer program. This article describes the most recent Symantec vulnerability and how it was resolved.

Vulnerabilities are described as flaws within computer software that create weaknesses in the computer’s security program. If found these vulnerabilities allow threats to exploit these weaknesses and can potentially damage the computer and its software. As soon as vulnerabilities are detected, antivirus companies like Symantec quickly spring into action to create a security patch to cover the vulnerability with Free Symantec vulnerability assessment tool.

Recently, Symantec’s Antivirus Corporate Edition 10.0 and Symantec Client Security 3 were both victims of a vulnerability that was reported as a threat by eEye Digital Security, which is another type of virus-detecting software. Luckily, Symantec was able to find the vulnerability and quickly get it patched up with vulnerability assessment tool before any serious damage had resulted to any of its customer base. If it had gone undetected and Symantec had not developed a patch for this problem, it might have affected several customers, doing untold damage to corporate computer software that was utilizing Symantec’s antivirus programs.

The vulnerability was described as a type of stack overflow that could potentially enable a hacker to execute code on an affected machine. Essentially this problem, if left unpatched, can create system crashes and also allow hackers to instigate malicious code that affects an entire system level. Symantec was able to find and disable the vulnerability within three days of the threat coming to light.

Threats to antivirus software programs, such as those developed by Symantec, occur constantly. Symantec SSL Certificate has a team dedicated to working on developing security patches that protect its customers from hackers and other perceived threats.

Author Bio

Jim Armstrong works closely with rapidSSLonline.com to help consumers find the best Cheapest SSL certificates at the best price from all the leading brands including RapidSSL, Symantec, VeriSign, Thawte, and GeoTrust SSL and Cheap Wildcard SSL.